Over £40 million unclaimed Premium Bonds prizes

NS&I is launching a nationwide search to track down the winners of over 740,000 unclaimed Premium Bond prizes. The prizes are worth over £40 million in total, including one prize worth £100,000, one worth £50,000 and four £25,000 prizes.

Top 10 unclaimed Premium Bonds prizes

Winning Bond number Prize value Winner Last known location Present Premium Bonds holding Month and year of draw
8LK522839 £100,000 Female London £25 Feb-07
3VT019901 £50,000 Female Kent £128 Nov-07
61YG186772 £25,000 Female Dorset £12,750 Jul-07
1JK051177 £25,000 Male London £50 Oct-91
38HZ060777 £25,000 Male West Midlands £2,000 Jan-08
106CV183276 £25,000 Male West Sussex £22,950 Apr-08
3DS884311 £10,000 Female Derbyshire £1 Apr-00
83AN639150 £10,000 Female Essex £6,006 Dec-07
41HK914566 £10,000 Male London £30,000 May-08
49VB300010 £10,000 Male London £100 Mar-06

There is no time limit for claiming prizes and each unclaimed prize is held until the winner can be tracked down. The oldest unclaimed prize dates back to November 1957 for the sum of £25. London is the region with the highest number of unclaimed prizes.

Top 10 oldest unclaimed prizes in the UK

Winning Bond number Prize value Winner Last known location Present Premium Bonds holding Month and year of draw
VN199709 £25 Male South Yorkshire £100 Nov-57
AN559184 £25 Male Kent £2 Apr-59
ES543102 £25 Female East Sussex £5 Jul-59
1EZ936789 £25 Male Norfolk £45 Jan-60
AK956009 £100 Male London £7 Jun-60
BN124135 £25 Female London £2 Jul-60
1EB770826 £25 Male Oxfordshire £10 Jul-60
AK864669 £25 Male Staffordshire £1 Jul-60
1EK176684 £25 Male Derbyshire £5 Dec-60
AB406729 £25 Male West Yorkshire £2 Jan-61

Over a third of the UK population have invested over £42 billion in Premium Bonds, and every eligible Bond is entered into the monthly Premium Bonds prize draw. Previously, winners of the 1.7 million prizes distributed each month would hear of their win when they received their prize warrant (like a cheque) through the post, now Premium Bond prize winners can elect to have their prizes paid directly into their bank account, with notification of the win by email. To register, Premium Bond holders will need to sign up to manage their Bonds online.

Manage your Premium Bonds and other NS&I accounts online.

 Jill Waters, NS&I’s Operations Manager, said: “It is likely that the winner of the £100,000 prize is unaware or has forgotten that she has Premium Bonds – the lucky winner has just £25 invested. Prizes often become unclaimed as a result of people moving house, or forgetting that Bonds have been bought for them as a child, or executors are unaware the Bonds are held when someone dies. “By opting to manage your Premium Bonds online you could reduce the risk of missing out on prizes as they can be paid directly into your bank account.” Ways to check if you have a prize owing to you:

Online at nsandi.com

The Premium Bonds prize checker is on the home page of the NS&I website at nsandi.com – customers simply need to enter their Premium Bond holder’s number into the search facility.

In writing to NS&I

Alternatively people can write to NS&I, quoting their name and address, any former names and addresses, date of birth and, if known, their Premium Bond holder’s number. Premium Bonds National Savings and Investments Blackpool FY3 9YP Ends

Notes to Editors

  1. For data protection reasons the regions identified are where there are over 100,000 Premium Bond customers, this is to protect the winners’ anonymity.
  2. For this campaign NS&I has classified unclaimed Premium Bond prizes as those that have not been claimed for 18 months after the prize draw in which they were won. When reporting total unclaimed assets held by NS&I (including accounts, Certificates, Bonds, unclaimed Premium Bond prizes and other products), NS&I defines unclaimed holdings as those with no customer contact for a period of 15 years or more.
  3. Unclaimed Premium Bond prizes shown are those where a postcode is part of the holder’s address as held by NS&I. 4
  4. Pictures of ERNIE, Agent Million and buying Premium Bonds online are available in high-resolution jpeg format from the NS&I media team.