NS&I must follow the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 which apply to public authorities including, among others, government departments and agencies, local authorities and NHS Trusts. The rules set out detailed procedures for the award of contracts whose value equals or exceeds specific thresholds. Details of the advertising thresholds applying to NS&I procurement were last updated on 1st January 2024 are specified as £139,688 for supplies and services, and £5,372,609 for works and concessions (inclusive of VAT). These thresholds will apply until December 2026.
All contract awards over this value are published on Contracts Finder.
Supplies and services threshold
Works threshold
Above the relevant threshold, we will carry out a competitive tender and advertise on the Find a Tender service, or make use of a suitable central government framework let by Crown Commercial Service, where one is available. For these above-threshold contracts a Contract Award Notice will subsequently be published, giving details of the winning tender, including the name of the supplier and the overall contract value.
For all awarded contracts valued at £10,000 or more, contract award notices are also published on the Contracts Finder website.