NS&I launches new customer-friendly website

National Savings and Investments (NS&I) has this week launched its enhanced website at www.nsandi.com which features a host of new services for customers and marks another stage in NS&I's business transformation.

The enhanced website features:

  • Premium Bond prize checker allowing Premium Bond holders to check online and find out instantly if any of their Premium Bonds have won prizes in the last six months or if any Premium Bond prizes remain unclaimed - regardless of the age of the Premium Bond
  • A brand new retail channel so customers can apply online to buy six NS&I products - Cash mini ISA, Fixed Interest Savings Certificates, Fixed Rate Savings Bonds, Income Bonds, Index-linked Savings Certificates and Pensioners Guaranteed Income Bonds. More products will be available online in the near future
  • Product Chooser, helping customers find the best NS&I financial product for them
  • Investment Calculator so site visitors can find out what return they would get on a guaranteed rate or income-generating investment with NS&I.

Gill Cattanach, National Savings and Investments Commercial Director, said:

"The new website is a great step forward in terms of the quality of service we provide to customers. It has been designed to be clear, straightforward and easy to use with more facilities.

"The online Premium Bond prize checker allows Bond holders to check instantly to see if they've won a prize in the last six months. It's a quick, simple and totally free service. And with £21.6 million Premium Bond prizes unclaimed, there are thousands of people across the UK who have won prizes of anything from £50 up to £25,000 on their Premium Bonds but don't know it.

"In addition, people who have lost or forgotten Premium Bonds, accounts or investments can simply download a tracing service form, send it to us and we will carry out a completely free search."

"The launch of our new website marks another stage in the continued business transformation of National Savings and Investments and our dedication to providing first class services for customers."

Over the past 12 months, NS&I has introduced a dedicated 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year customer enquiries telephone line.

NS&I has also provided savers and investors with an enhanced product range to suit their needs, including the Cash mini ISA and Guaranteed Equity Bond.

Online purchases are safe because the new website encrypts any personal data - bank details, for example - sent over the Internet to NS&I and means the data cannot be read by any individual or organisation other than NS&I.

Notes to Editors

  1. The total unclaimed Premium Bond prize fund to date is £21,655,050
  2. Although National Savings and Investments has launched a new online Premium Bond prize search, NS&I still writes to all winners of Premium Bond prizes of £50 up to £100,000 and pays a personal visit to winners of the £1 million jackpot.
  3. National Savings and Investments customer enquiries: 0845 964 5000.
  4. The National Savings and Investments website was designed by Wheel.