John Prout joins NS&I as Sales Director

John Prout has been appointed Sales Director of NS&I, and took up his position on Monday 4 August. It is the first time NS&I has had a separate Sales Director, and John will also be a member of the NS&I Board.

With 30 million savers and investors, NS&I has the largest customer base of any UK retail financial services organisation and affords security that no other provider can offer, because of the backing by HM Treasury.

John Prout, 51, spent his early career with Rover, followed by a 16 year spell at Prudential, becoming Sales Director. Latterly, he established his own Consultancy business, which he has been running successfully for the last 18 months.

John Prout said,

"NS&I is one of the best propositions for people with money to save and invest because, with our HM Treasury backing, we offer 100% security and peace of mind. No other financial provider can match this.

"We will be building on the momentum gained by NS&I over the last year by developing existing sales channels and establishing new ones. We aim to make it progressively easier for people to save and invest with us, introducing a wide range of access options."

National Savings and Investments is a government department and an Executive Agency of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Its principal objective is to assist in the financing of the government's debt, by borrowing in the retail market at an overall cost that is cheaper than the wholesale market.

Notes to Editors

  1. John Prout is available for media interviews from September 1 2003. Please contact the NS&I media team to arrange an interview.
  2. Picture desks requiring photography should contact the NS&I media team.
  3. John Prout is 51 and is married with 2 children.
  4. Through its partnerships with Siemens Business Services (SBS) and Post Office Limited (POL), National Savings and Investments markets and sells a range of savings products to the public, including Premium Bonds, Savings Certificates and Income Bonds.
  5. Currently, there is approximately £62 billion invested in National Savings and Investments products, which accounts for around 20 per cent of net government debt.