Cambridge winner in the February 2012 Premium Bonds jackpot draw

For the February 2012 draw ERNIE paid out over 1.8 million prizes, together amounting to over £54 million in value. There were 43,255,221,690 eligible Bond numbers in the draw.

February’s Premium Bond millionaire

  • A woman living in Cambridgeshire
  • Bond Number: 37XX968124
  • Winning Bond bought in October 2004
  • Total holdings £30,000 

The winner from Cambridgeshire, who has chosen to remain anonymous, said:

"It's a great feeling to have won! Over the years I have invested as much as I could in Premium Bonds hoping to one day land the big prize. I'm delighted to have landed the jackpot."

For the February 2012 draw ERNIE paid out over 1.8 million prizes, together amounting to over £54 million in value. There were 43,255,221,690 eligible Bond numbers in the draw.

Prize and value breakdown in February 2012

Value of prizes Number of prizes
£1,000,000 1
£100,000 4
£50,000 10
£25,000 18
£10,000 45
£5,000 89
£1,000 1,081
£500 3,243
£100 31,763
£50 31,763
£25 1,734,283
Total prize fund value
Total number of prizes

In Cambridgeshire there are 234,060 Premium Bonds holdings worth more than £531 million.

Unclaimed Premium Bonds prizes in Cambridgeshire

In total there are over 782,000 unclaimed Premium Bonds prizes worth more than £41 million.

In Cambridgeshire, 5,500 prizes worth more than £276,000 still remain unclaimed. There is a woman from the region who is still due to receive £1,000 after failing to claim her prize in a previous draw. She has only £1 invested in Premium Bonds and the prize was won in May 1998.

There are a number of other unclaimed prizes due to the residents of the region, the oldest of these outstanding prizes having been drawn in October 1966. NS&I has tried to trace these winners, but so far without success.

Some of the top unclaimed prizes in Cambridgeshire

Winning Bond number Winner Month and year of draw Current holding Prize value
11LL016279 Female Nov-99 £55 £1,000
81TP471572 Male Feb-01 £5,085 £1,000
6TB679107 Female Oct-07 £211 £1,000
6EL670843 Female Aug-99 £5 £1,000
3AL964259 Female May-98 £1 £1,000

Some of the oldest unclaimed prizes in Cambridgeshire 

Winning Bond number Winner Month and year of drawle Current holding Prize value
AL894259 Female Oct-66 £1 £25
CP060593 Male Dec-66 £6 £25
3AP631653 Female Feb-68 £3 £100
BK845406 Female Mar-69 £2 £25
5AN691763 Female May-69 £1 £25

There is no time limit for claiming prizes. Premium Bonds investors can check to see if they have won by visiting and using the Premium Bonds prize checker on the homepage.

February 2012’s prize fund rate and odds

The Premium Bonds prize fund rate is 1.5% and the odds of each individual Bond number winning a prize are 24,000 to 1. With these odds a Premium Bond holder with the maximum amount invested (£30,000) and with average luck could win 15 prizes each year.

Premium Bond facts

Premium Bonds are an investment where, instead of interest payments, investors have the chance to win tax-free prizes. They were officially launched by Harold Macmillan, Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his 1956 budget.

Premium Bonds can be bought online at, by telephone on 0500 500 000(see note 5), by post and over the counter at Post Office® branches.

Premium Bonds offer investors 100% capital security, backed by HM Treasury, as well as the sense of fun that comes from potentially winning tax-freeprizes.

As at January 2012, customers have over 22 million holdings in Premium Bonds totalling more than £42 billion. Prizes range from £25 to £1 million.

Premium Bonds online

Savers can now manage their Premium Bonds online, and opt to have any Premium Bonds prizes won paid directly into their bank accounts by BACS, with notification by email. Savers can also:

  • view their holding in full, with a record of prizes won
  • opt to automatically reinvest prizes
  • opt to stop receiving paper confirmation for transactions update their personal details – address, bank details etc
  • buy and cash in Bonds

Look out for further information on this big win, together with details of other tax-free prizes, which will be issued on the first working day of the month (01 February 2012). Sometimes winners of the Premium Bond jackpot provide a quote, if so this will also be available on the first working day of the month.

Notes to Editors

  1. All Premium Bonds prizes are free of UK Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax.
  2. The jackpot winner becomes ERNIE’S 265th Premium Bond millionaire.
  3. Unclaimed Premium Bond prizes are defined as prizes over 18 months that have not been paid out (cashed). Addresses held for customers with unclaimed prizes might not be the current residential address of the customer.
  4. Pictures of ERNIE (including the new ERNIE 4 machine), Agent Million and people buying Premium Bonds are available in high-resolution jpeg format from the NS&I media team.
  5. Free phone number – calls from mobiles may be chargeable. Telephone calls may be recorded.