Our vision

We want to inspire a stronger savings culture by being the most trusted UK savings provider. Giving everyone the opportunity to save confidently.

Our purpose

  • Creating value through delivering cost-effective debt financing
  • Providing services to Government
  • Helping Government to deliver policy objectives

Our values are at the heart of everything we do

We are secure

Child playing

With our people

We are responsible and do the right thing. We deliver safely and take a balanced approach to innovation and risk.

With our customers

100% security for savings, backed by HM Treasury. Our digital security is trustworthy. We protect our business.

We are inspiring

Child balancing books

With our people

We use fresh thinking for public good. We have a willingness to learn quickly. Diversity, innovation and curiosity are welcomed.

With our customers

Acting decisively and confidently for customers, working with pace to create value and inspiring them to secure their financial future.

We are straightforward

Child riding bike

With our people

We have integrity and work together in straightforward ways. What we say matters. We are empowered by our leadership.

With our customers

Clear, ‘everyday’, understandable language. Products designed simply to meet our customers’ needs and easy to use services.

We are reassuringly human

Boiled eggs

With our people

A small organisation with a big reach. We care for colleagues, respect one another and invest in our people and manage their talent effectively.

With our customers

We listen to our customers, understand and respond to their needs. We care for customers, our environment and the public good.

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Our history

The NS&I story began in 1861, when the Government established the Post Office Savings Bank.  The bank’s aims were to provide a secure place for people to save, and a source of funds for public borrowing. These remain our core objectives today.

NS&I Heritage Timeline – Our story

Our awards

Contact Centre Association (CCA) Celent Model Bank

As well as monitoring our operational performance in terms of timeliness, accuracy and online availability, NS&I is keen to benchmark service levels against independent standards.

Corporate Social Responsibility at NS&I

Our vision is to be a low carbon business in which sustainability is embedded within decision-making. We will balance performance, service delivery and financial viability against social and environmental responsibility.

More about CSR at NS&I

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Inspire & Invest is our business strategy from 2018-2026

Our Inspire & Invest Strategy has cross-cutting strategic aims reflecting our joined up approach to delivering our vision and purpose.

Our vision and purpose


Below are our three key strategic aims:

  1. Building a self-service digital business
  2. Increasing efficiency
  3. Building a nimble, scalable and flexible business 

Find out more about our strategy, including our vision, purpose, strategic aims and values. 

Find out more

Strategic partnerships

Our operational partner

In May 2013 NS&I  announced that Atos had been awarded an outsourcing contract to deliver customer-facing and back office services to NS&I’s 25 million customers.

The contract, which began on 1 April 2014, sits at the heart of NS&I’s business and support its range of savings products and its payment processing services for government clients.

In April 2019, NS&I exercised the option to extend the contract by an additional three years following the end of the principal contract period from 2014-2021. This means the relationship between NS&I and Atos will continue.

NS&I Government Payment Services

NS&I Government Payment Services transforms public sector payments. Our digital payment platform and processes enable the efficient delivery of citizen-centred transactions.

By government. For government.

More about NS&I GPS